Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 9 to December 15

December 9, 2012
Slept in and had breakfast with John and Paula at Burger Hut. Went to practice at 3 and the concert was at 7. It went well and it was snowing when we came out.

December 10, 2012
Made a quick trip to Havelock to get a few stocking stuffers and then met Brian & Dorothy for lunch at BH. John dropped me off at Julia's and we did the seniors gift bags. Mary, Carole, Anne and Brenda also helped.

December 11, 2012
Work as usual. BH closed so no coffee :(

December 12, 2012
Theresa J secretary in Hastings, picked me up and we went to a training session at the Bishop's house in Peterborough. Made the turkey dressing for tomorrow.

December 13, 2012
Tammy's Birthday! Got up and stuffed the turkey and put it in the oven at 6:30 am. Went back to bed till 9. There were 10 of us for lunch and it was a great success. Mary brought a salad and Joyce brought dessert. Shirley brought squares and Hendrina an appetizers. There were some gifts for us too. Me, Nancy D, Joyce D., Carole T., Mary E., Nancy M., Shirley H., Julia B., Hendrina P., and Laurie Mc. Went for coffee after and taste tested Paul's home made onion rings yummy.

December 14, 2012
Very busy at work and felt flustered. Had lunch and the potato soup was delicious. Turkey sandwich for supper. Joan says stocking night will be January 19, 2013.

December 15, 2012
John not feeling well. He has a bad cough and cold. He drove me to Pleasant Meadow where we sang some songs and gave out gift bags. Nancy M. brought me home. Went to 5:00 Mass.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 2 to December 8

December 2, 2012
Went for breakfast and missed Meghan and Ryan :( They didn't stop and see the note on the door. Choir practice and knitting and TV

December 3, 2012
Went to Peterborough and stopped to see Luke & Kendra's new house. Very cute. They have done the hardwood floors and painted all the rooms. Nice fenced yard. We then went shopping to Canadian Tire, Dollarama, Shoppers Drug Mart. We then had lunch at 50's where Joan was working. More shopping, Lansdowne Place, Costco and The Superstore for a turkey. Stopped for coffee on the way home. Very tired!

December 4, 2012
Went to work, had coffee, supper TV knitting.

December 5, 2012
Went to work till 2:00 pm and then went to the Church to sing at Teresa Walsh's funeral with Dan and Theo. Joan and Luke were there. Very large crowd. Wet and dull damp day.

December 6, 2012
Took the day off and read a book. Went to the Lion's Christmas Dinner and sat with Deen's and George and Linda Terpstra. George was the entertainment with his Karaoke machine. each table sang a song. All country and western not my thing! Dinner was good.

December 7, 2012
Went to work and then Burger Hut for lunch. Theo joined us and we bought his as a thank you for all the rides he gives me from choir practice. Then we went to the Church to decorate for Christmas. Then we went to the parish dinner at the Millenium Room. It was very good and we were home by 8.

December 8, 2012
Foggy rainy day. Went to Mass at 5:00 pm

Sunday, December 2, 2012

November 25 to December 1

November 25, 2012
Cold and snowing! Tried to get tickets for the Lioness lunch but didn't. Went to Burger Hut instead. Went to choir practice but not too many there. Looking forward to hearing how Joan enjoyed the Gray Cup.

November 26, 2012
Another lazy day. Got some knitting done. Should have been organizing the boys room. Had coffee as usual and watched some DVR. Meghan called to say that the boys can't come. :( A bit disappointed but understand. Now I don't have to work in their room! :)

November 27, 2012
Work, coffee, bank, dull life. Paul called which was very nice.

November 28, 2012
Work, Dennis was in it was nice to see him, no coffee, knit. Larry and LekLek had pictures of their new son Larry Jr. on facebook.

November 29, 2012
Went to Nancy's brother Earl's funeral in Campbellford. Weather not too bad but windy. Nice lunch at the Warkworth, Presbyterian Church.

November 30, 2012
Pay day:) Went for lunch as usual. Joan came for supper and Meghan stopped in with her friend Ryan on their way to Lindsay. It was a nice visit with Joan and we got caught up on a lot of family news.

December 1, 2012
A lazy day didn't go out till Church at 5:00 Watched TV and knit all day. Sorry to hear that Teresa Walsh had died in the morning and her sister-in-law Theresa Patterson has fallen and broken her hip.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 18 to November 24

November 18, 2012
We both slept in till nearly 11 am! We quickly went for brunch at Burger Hut and sat with Hendrina and Theresa. It was very busy. The dinning room is done except for electricity. Bernie says he hasn't forgotten us. Went to choir practice and Theo drove me home. Christopher phoned and we got caught up on how everyone is and what they are doing. Still knitting every night.

November 19, 2012
Lazy day and put my track pants on. Can't seem to get motivated today. Had coffee and was told Burger Hut will be closed on Tuesday :(

November 20, 2012
Went to work, after supper we went to the Historical Society Meeting. Doug Pearcy did a slide show and talk about his recent trip to Holland and Germany where he visited war cemeteries and museums. Very interesting. Troy and Cathy were there too so it was a nice bonus to see them.

November 21, 2012
Went to work, had supper, watched TV knit.

November 22, 2012
Weather still nice. Laundry is all caught up. Put 5 basket full away this morning! Last load is yesterdays. Went to Laurie's after supper to celebrate Joyce's birthday. It was a nice evening with the "girls". John went to Toms with the "boys"!

November 23, 2012
Had a great lunch at Burger Hut with good company. Started sorting gifts. Took a break for groceries and won $30.00 on my lottery tickets. Took John for coffee and desert. Paul makes a rice pudding that John likes. I had cherry pie. Did some more sorting and need to make a list. Nothing on TV so watched DVR and knit.

November 24, 2012
Cold toady. Did some more work on the library and sorted more boxes. Went to Mass at 5:00 pm and had our first dinner guest for supper in the dinning room. I used the Christmas dishes! A very nice evening. Meghan called and she had a good day at her sale. I am looking forward to seeing her and her brothers next weekend.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 11 to November 17

November 11, 2012
Remembrance Day. John and I both walked in the parade and I laid a cross for the CWL. It is a long time to stand. After we marched back to the Legion Jack and Nancy joined us for their chili lunch and I had a glass of draft. Boy was it good. I went to choir practice and when I got home Jerome and Colleen were here. They stopped on their way home to Ottawa. We had a nice visit but they were anxious to hit the road before all the daylight disappeared. Very warm day high of 18°C!

November 12, 2012
Carole picked me up at 10 and we went to Peterborough. She needed a passport picture so we started at Cosco and then went to Value Village where I found some napkin holders and got some books. We both had bags to drop off at Vinnies and of course did some shopping. I got John two new shirts and more books. Then we hit the Dollar Store and I got some Christmas doilies and most of the things I need for my seniors gift bag. We came back home for a late lunch at Burger Hut and John joined us for coffee and paid the bill. Another warm day.

November 13, 2012
What a quick change in the temperature. It only went up to 3°C today. Did some banking and went for coffee.
November 14, 2012
Wore a skirt to work today for a change. Cool but sunny day. Dining room table finally cleaned off!

November 15, 2012
Beautiful day. Finally got my hair cut. It is very short! Went from Havelock to Campbellford to Giant Tiger and bought a lot of frozen foods. Had lunch at the Country Kitchen and got a battery for my pin on watch. I went to The Salvation Army store and got 2 more napkin holders. We were early for John's appointment at the hospital but they took him and we he was done in half an hour! John had a Lion's Director meeting.

November 16, 2012
Another sunny day, Hung one load of laundry out before work. Went to Mass. Harry and Carole met us for lunch. Still putting out Christmas decorations and doing a lot of knitting.

November 17, 2012
Cloudy but no rain got 2 loads of washing done. Got the Christmas village up on my mantel. Went to Mass at 5 it was said for John's parents.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 4 to November 10

November 4, 2012
Had brunch at Burger Hut. Went to Choir practice. The Churches arn't doing individual numbers this year.

November 5, 2012
Met Brian & Dorothy for lunch today and got caught up on their news. Knitting at night watching TV.

November 6, 2012
A nice surprise to have Nancy & Jack join us for coffee after I finished work.

November 7, 2012
I lead a dull life. Went to work, eat supper and knit!

November 8, 2012
Did some knitting in the morning. Still plugging away at the dinging room. Went to Rama to see Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons. Very good show. All the old favourites, Big Girls Don't Cry, Sherry. I hope I have as much energy when I am his age. We got home at midnight.

November 9, 2012
John had blood tests this morning. We had our usual lunch at Burger Hut.

November 10, 2012
Got out a lot of Christmas things. Have one large box of things I am going to get rid of. Went to Mass at 5:00

October 28 to November 3

October 28, 2012
Got all the linen put away! Spent a lot of time finding and printing quick knit projects. Went to choir practice and coffee after. Watched TV and knit. Lots about the coming storm on the news. last few days have been damp rainy and cold.

October 29, 2012
Dull misty day. Did some knitting and computer work. Phoned Joan and the house deal for Luke and Kendra is finalized and they take possession in a couple of weeks but won't move in till December 1st. I invited her to dinner on November 30 as it is a PA Day and she will work during the day. Went for coffee. More knitting and sorting.

October 30, 2012
John's birthday. After work we went to Gayle's for dinner. It was very good and she had a cake for him. She also gave us gifts from their trip. John got a mini bottle of special Brandy from Germany and I got a beautiful pair of gold windmill earrings from Amsterdam. Rainy wet and windy. Home just before 9. More knitting.

October 31, 2012
Went to Mass at 9 am Work as usual and it was pay day! Rainy and cool. Did a scalloped potato and pork chop casserole. Tomorrow is my Ladies Lunch.

November 1, 2012
The lunch was a great success. Eight ladies met at the Burger Hut. The next lunch will be December 13 at my house.

November 2, 2012
After work and lunch. Dave and Mary delivered the shelf for the dinning room and then we went to Peterborough and did some Christmas shopping at two dollar stores and had a look in Vinnies where we bought a medium size suitcase.

November 3, 2012
Today was the CWL Bazaar. I worked at the crafts table and spent lots of money. John won the door prize which someone will probably get for Christmas. My knitting all sold so it is back to the grindstone for Christmas gifts! Went to Mass at 5:00

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 21st to October 27th

October 21, 2012
Lazy day, John cooked bacon and eggs for brunch. Did two loads of laundry. Emptied more boxes and put more things away. Choir practice has started and we are doing a new song which is very difficult. Roast beef dinner yum! Joan called and we had a nice chat and it looks like Luke & Kendra have bought a house! TV and knitting. Got the back done in the car on the road and started the front. It is almost finished.

October 22, 2012
Should of done some wash but weather was iffy. Went for coffee and onion rings after lunch. Sun came out but too late to do any wash :(.Finished the front of the sweater and started some quick and easy projects for the bazaar.

October 23, 2012
A wet rainy cool day. Went to work and big disappointment as the Burger Hut was closed when I finished.  I made a potato and hamburger casserole for supper. Finished a scarf for the Bazaar and started the sleeves.

October 24, 2012
Not a bad day, sun and cloud. Work as usual. Sorted and organized a few things.
October 25, 2012
Beautiful warm day high of 23°C! Got 3 loads of laundry done. Went to the United Church Rummage Sale and bought a white wicker picnic basket, a small pink watering can, a knitting book, 2 lace over tops, a white T-shirt and a blue blouse. Started more knitting for the Bazaar. Trying to get one thing done every day. If it doesn't sell it will be Christmas gifts. Cooked a sausage and rice casserole for supper. Watched TV and worked on the sleeves of my sweater when the other project was done.

October 26, 2012
Another beautiful day. Did sheets on the line. Had lunch as usual at Burger Hut after work. Still lots of sorting going on. Am working on linens right now. John W., TJ and Paul stopped in on a quick visit to Peterborough. It was nice to see them and they brought John his birthday gift which was very much appreciated.

October 27, 2012
Still sorting china and linen and trying to find homes for things. I have divided everything into six piles. Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec. This way everything will be used for at least 2 months! Went to 5 pm Mass and am still knitting at night.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 14 to October 20

October 14, 2012
Had breakfast at Burger Hut. Washed and put china away. Worked on the computer. I lead a dull life. Looked at knitting books and on the computer and started a sweater for myself in a dark burgundy. Cool and rainy.

October 15, 2012
Went to work today so I can get Wednesday off. Coffee after work. Cool and damp.

October 16, 2012
Sunny today and I got 2 loads of wash dried outside. Washed one last night and hung it out before work. Carole met us for coffee after work.

October 17, 2012
Up at 7 :( and picked Harry & Carole up at 8 . Some stop and go across Toronto. Arrived at Caesar's in Windsor around 2:30. We stopped once for lunch and a second time to change drivers as Harry knew the way. We checked in and did the looong walk to our rooms. The rooms are lovely, king size bed and a fridge and safe. We went for a swim in the pool, did some slot machines and went to the buffet for supper. It was terrible! All the food stations are circles so it is very confusing. Some of the food was not hot and other things had been under heat lambs so long they were dried out. Went to play on the machines for a bit and then went back to the pool for awhile and went to bed early.

October 18, 2012
Left around 9 am stopped at a Tim Horton's for breakfast on our way to the St. Bernard's Capuchin Monastery in Detroit. It is the home of Venerable Fr. Solanus Casey who was a porter for the capuchin's in several monasteries and is known for his kindness and cures. It was a well laid out building with great story boards and pictures of his life and beautiful gardens. The Church has a beautiful hand carved altar and wood organ pipes. We were happy to be back in Canada even though we enjoyed the trip. We had lunch in our room and after a quick nap we went to the pool again. We waited in line for an hour at a hole in the wall cafe and had to throw out the soup it was so awful! Harry gave me his ticket to the show which was great. It was called a Tribute, A Salute to the Superstars” and featured impersonators of Rod Stewart, Garth Brooks, Neil Diamond and Tina Turner. The MC was a comedian and did hid stand up between Garth and Neil and he was very good too. Lost some money afterwards and went to bed.

October 19, 2012
We got organized and went to McDonalds for breakfast and hit the road for home. We stopped to change drivers and John took over and we had very little trouble getting across Toronto. Exited at Ajax and went to a Subway for lunch and took the back route home arriving around 3:30. had my coffee fix and got caught up on mail and messages.

October 20, 2012
Got 2 loads of laundry done and went through more boxes and did some sorting and putting away. Went to Mass at 5:00. Watched the DVD in the evening.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 7-October 13

October 7, 2012
John went to Bingo at noon and came back and picked me up around 2 so I could work at the Historical booth till 5. John was done at 4 and joined me. Tom & Joyce stopped by for a chat.

October 8, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving. John spent the day at Bingo and I cooked dinner of baked ham scalloped potatoes and butternut squash.

October 9, 2012
No water at work today as there was a broken line east of us. Went to Burger hut after lunch for coffee and to use their facilities! Water back on by 2. John and I had coffee after work.

October 10, 2012
Work as usual and afterwards still working at my Family Tree program updating and combining duplicates. Decided to have a Ladies lunch get together at the Burger Hut on the first Thursday of every month and getting good response.

October 11, 2012
Gillian's birthday. Did the changeover from summer clothes to winter clothes. Hard job but it is done. Had coffee and supper at the Burger Hut and worked on Organizing and getting rid of duplicates in Family Tree.

October 12, 2012
Went to Mass before work and invited 3 more ladies to lunch. Had lunch at BH as usual and did 3 loads of wash and got them dry outside. Worked on the computer.

October 13, 2012
Worked at putting things away and on updating the family Tree. Went to Mass at 5:00.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

September 30 to October 6

September 30, 2012
Went for breakfast with Hendrina and Theresa at Burger Hut. Worked on obituaries and dishes. Lots of TV in the evening. I need a knitting project to work on at night.

October 1, 2012
Obituaries and dishes.

October 2, 2012
Work as usual. Coffee afterwards. Dave and Mary came over to measure for the shelf behind the door in the dining room. All caught up on obituaries.

October 3, 2012
Went to 9:00 am Mass and worked till 1:00. Went to Staples to get paper for the Church and bought a Mini Keurig and the mini filter to go with it. Met my new Dr. Sue Pakenham who is a niece of Arn & Karen Patterson. Left my glasses there so had to buy new ones at the Dollar Store. Went to Dairy Queen for an early supper.

October 4, 2012
We were at the parking lot at 7:15 to meet the bus. Tom & Joyce and 2 other Norwood couples met us there. We picked up more passengers in Peterborough along with our tour guide Lyle. Another stop in Lyndsay for more passengers and a coffee break and 2 more passengers at the McDonalds on hwy 12. We arrived in Gravenhurst around 11 am. and boarded the Winnona II for our 3 hour boat cruise which included lunch. There was another bus load there from Hamilton and our lunch tickets got reversed so we ended up with the first sitting. The lunch was fantastic. roast turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and fresh carrots and cauliflower. Desert was an apple crisp. Very very good! We weather was windy but not cold and I spent most of the cruise after lunch outside on the front deck. We then bused to Johnston's Cranberry Marsh for a wagon tour and explanation on growing and harvesting cranberries which was very interesting and informative. We spent time in the gift shop and bought a few things such as jams and jellies and chocolate covered cranberries. Back on the bus to Orillia for supper at A & W and then home with drop offs for passengers along the way. Home at 9:30 and very tired and went strait to bed.

October 5, 2012
Went to work today and had our usual Friday lunch at BH. John went to the fair to set up for Bingo.

October 6, 2012
Sean's birthday. Joan picked me up and we went to watch the parade with Matthew & Beth and family. Met Brendon, Luke and Kendra there. I spent the day at the fair and looked at all the exhibits and photos and watched the horses. Cool and very windy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

September 23 to September 29

September 23, 2012
John worked at clearing the area of the dinning room closest to the kitchen and I sorted toys and worked in the library. we too k a break for breakfast at Burger King and sat with Hendrina and Theresa P. Hendrina treated us. John got one coat on 1/3 of the floor.

September 24, 2012
Went to Gary Buck's funeral Mass and reception. Got second coat on first section of the floor.

September 25, 2012
Work as usual. Fr. is back but very busy. Lots of TV starting up again. Finished the afghan that Frances gave me for the bazaar.

September 26, 2012
Went to mass and lit the candle for the C.W.L. Didn't go the meeting but went to hear the speaker. Janet Shilinglaw (Fr. Bills sister) a retired teacher was very good with lots of stories from the kids at school and a message about how important the religion taught is. She taught at St. Paul's but was Miss Maloney then.

September 27, 2012
Had lunch at Burger Hut and worked on the obituaries from the paper all day.

September 28, 2012
The cabinets were delivered today. We did 5 loads of dishes and have started to put them away. Had lunch at Burger Hut and worked on the obituaries from the paper all day. I am doing a month per day and should be caught up soon.

September 29, 2012
More dishes and more obituaries. Went to Mass at 5:00 pm

September 16 to September 22

OOPs had this all done and forgot to post it!

September 16, 2012
Still cool especially in the wind. CW and Philip and Patrick left at 9:30 for bowling and John W cooked us a wonderful breakfast of bacon, sausages, eggs and mushrooms. TJ took Taylor and Alexandre for another sail and then the Woodbecks started to pack up. They left around noon. Lori and the girls and Alexandre left shortly after. I sat outside reading in the sun till supper time and we had BBQ ribs for supper. John played games on the computer and we went to bed.

September 17, 2012
Still cool but sunny. Packed up and went to the dump station and left the park at 9:45. We had a text from CW to bring food from their camper to Cornwall so we went there first. Had breakfast at McDonalds and decided to take hwy 2 the scenic route. We stopped in Brockville but the book store was closed. The bakery wasn't and John got us a sandwich and squares. We finally found a park in Gananoque to eat our lunch. Still on hwy 2 but we detoured to the LW store in Kingston and I did very well. 5 tops and a pair of black dress slacks for $19.66 tax in!!!!! Another stop in Trenton at the LW and bought more tea. Arrived at Gayle's at 5:30! We gave Diana her gift and went for supper with them at Chicken Chalet. Finally home at 8:30.

September 18, 2012
Very quiet at work. Got all my filing caught up. Had lunch at BH. Jack and Nancy met us for coffee at 3:30. Watched TV. Still cool and it is raining.

September 19, 2012
Lots of phone calls today. Sad news that Gary Buck passed away. Fr. should be back tomorrow. John did some laundry and I brought it in. Sunny and very cool. I made a hamburger and potato casserole for supper.

September 20, 2012
Cool. Did laundry. Mary English came by for a quick visit to sign some CWL papers. I cleaned up the back porch and organized my planting bench. Went for coffee and then checked out the auction. Lots of craft stuff, very tempting. Maybe a good thing John will be at Lion's tonight.  Left 2 bids. Didn't get the planter but got the box for $13.56. It contained a cloche, a Russ bear with stand, a med. metal watering can, a small green dish, a bird house decoration, a welcome friends sign, miniature green metal wheelbarrow, miniature black metal doll swing, miniature wood book stand with candle and another bear with a quilt.

September 21, 2012
Warmer sun/cloudy day. Got organized and went to lunch and headed to Peterborough. Stopped at our favourite antique and collectible consignment store and bought a washstand table with drawers and a tall washstand table. We checked out The Barn and saw a couple of nice cabinets for the dinning room. We will have to do some measuring. Got to Rama at 4 and met Harry & Carole. Played some slots and went to dinner which was Harry's treat. more slots and on to the show. Olivia Newton John was fantastic. Full of energy and she had great backup and sang a variety of songs, country, ballads and of course tunes from Grease. We got home after 1 am.

September 22, 2012
Took off to Peterborough again and went to Knock on Wood where I ordered two wing back chairs and picked a beige with blue pattern for them. We should get them in November. I also bought a square picture of a blue and beige flower. We saw some cupboards but they were only 18 " deep. Went to The Barn and bought the 2 cupboards we saw on Friday. they are 24" deep. Also bought a large china cream and blue bird. They will be delivered next Saturday. Stopped for coffee and watched people arrive for the wedding at the Church. Went to 5 pm Mass, had pizza for supper and then watch Dr. Who.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 9 to September 15

September 9, 2012
We were the last to join everyone in the kitchen for breakfast at 9:30! There was peameal coffee and juice with buns and vegetables. After more chatting Brian led us on a walk on the yellow trail and pointed out many interesting things. It was a good chance to chat with different people. Joan organized us to take family pictures and lots were taken of different family groups and some of everyone. We missed Mario and Theresa. Goodbyes took a long time as lots of chatting was going on. Brian provided a nice lunch for Joan and us and then after loading a shelving unit for Joan's house we headed for home. Got home around 4 and I had a nap and some left over salad before we headed to St. Anne's for 7 pm Mass. We stopped at Joan's to deliver the shelf and also the table from our back porch. ya. Came home and watched TV.

September 10, 2012
Beautiful fall day not hot. Cool in the morning. Had coffee in the afternoon. Got two loads of laundry done. Watched some DVR.

September 11, 2012
Very cool in the morning. Beautiful sunny day. Very quiet day at work. Only two phone calls. Line one not working full of static so put it on hold so calls would come in on line two. Mix up of priests on the weekend so have to redo the travel vouchers. Coffee after work. Planned the menu for the weekend.

September 12, 2012
Meghan and Diana's birthday. Another beautiful day. Starting to get warm again. Very quiet day at work. Went over food menu and packed my clothes for the weekend.

September 13, 2012
Quite warm and sunny but rain forecast for the weekend :( Finished packing Nellie and John doing some last minute shopping. Had brunch at Burger Hut. Stopped at Sharbot Lake for some fries and at Timmies in Perth for a drink. Another stop at LW in Smiths Falls for tea for Meghan. Drove through some very pretty country near Martintown and Williamstown. Arrived at the camp and set up. Went for a walk and had campers stew for supper. Early to bed.

September 14, 2012
Another warm day and a lazy one. Went for an afternoon swim. John only got wet to his waist. Water cool. Christopher and the boys arrived at supper time and Alexandre and I went for a swim just as it was getting dark. BBQ sausages for supper. Fridge not working so we bought ice and put some things in Christopher's fridge.  Lori and Taylor arrived and it started to rain. Sharon and John came in the rain and dark but it did lighten up a bit.
September 15, 2012
TJ, Paul and Meghan arrived and the weather is a lot cooler but sunny. TJ brought his sailboat The Y-Knot and took the kids and Lori and Paul for a sail at different times. They had Bingo in the park in the afternoon and Christopher and family joined in. Kyrstin too. Lori took the girls to hockey practice and after some trial and error the boys got the propane going under the big pot of oil and we cooked a turkey. It was very juicy and delicious. Sharon did vegetables and I did a potato salad. CW did fried and mashed potatoes and Sharon had squares for dessert. We had a fire and sang Happy Birthday to Meghan and gave her gifts.. It was getting quite cool and after Lori and the girls returned they got into pie irons and "pigtails". A very nice family day.

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2 to September 8

Visit me at Organized Chaos

September 2, 2012
Went for breakfast at BH. Sorted and organized a lot of jewellery stuff. Watched some TV. Went to the Garage Sale across the street and met a nice couple who own the house.

September 3, 2012
Still hot. Checked out the antique auction but didn't stay. Went for coffee. Did some organizing and changed a lot of displays to Fall and Halloween themes. Got some good ideas for the Craft Room. Watched TV.

September 4, 2012
Rain! hooray! Very quiet at work. Met Carole for lunch at Burger Hut which was a nice chance to visit.  Nancy was to meet us after work but her car wouldn't start. We had coffee and then went to her house to show her what I had bought for her jewellery. Had panzarotti and salad from Wrap and Go. Read a bit and watched TV.

September 5, 2012
So quiet with Fr. on holidays. Had fun figuring out the travel for the supply priests. Sun and cloud today but still humid.

September 6, 2012
Another hot day. Went for coffee and checked out the auction. Went to talk to Dave about units for the dinning room. Decided to do four units for the wall backing onto the living room. I have made a rough drawing for dave who said he will drop in next week. John went to the first Lion's dinner meeting of the year.

September 7, 2012
Started out sunny and I got some laundry done but rain in the evening. Made salads for tomorrow and did some packing.

September 8, 2012
Rain Rain Rain and we need it but not today! We got to Brian's around 11:30 and had a bit of a visit and then went back to the camper for lunch and a nap. Joan arrived around 1 and people started arriving shortly after 2. the rain was stop and start. John & Nancy Blake and his sister Dorothy came in John's new small but cute trailer. Pat & Miriam McGahern, Mary & Virginia, Joe & Louise McNeil and Joan slept in the house. Jerome and Colleen stayed in the Cabin and Joseph & Bill McGahern came in Joseph's new RV which had a layout similar to ours but with a pop out. Mario & Theresa Lionienco came for the day and evening. We had a buffet supper in the house and some people went for a walk in the woods and Joan's group got a bit disoriented and arrived back after dark. John & Brian started a bonfire and we all sat around it and chatted till midnight. It was wonderful to see evryone.

Monday, September 3, 2012

August 26 to September 1

August 26, 2012
Went to 10:30 Mass. Still hot. Afterwards we went for breakfast at Burger Hut and shared a table with Ron & Italia. It was nice to catch up on our busy lives.  On the way home we visited Harry and Carole and had a glass of wine.

August 27, 2012
Still hot. no grass. The yard looks like a desert. The poor plants are dying even the trees are starting to shrivel up! There has been a water ban for over a month now. We went to Tom & Joyce's in the evening to celebrate Laurie's birthday. They leave for their holiday in Italy on Friday.

August 28, 2012
Work as usual. Burger Hut closed as it is the anniversary of Roxanne's death. Went to Cobourg for the last band Concert and said a few sad farewells till next time. Going to miss not going to Plattsburg.

August 29, 2012
Work today and Fr. left for his holidays. Came home with a bad headache.

August 30, 2012
Packed up and left for Ottawa after lunch at BH. Stopped in Perth for a DQ. Took Meghan and TJ for "noodles" at our favourite Vietnamese Restaurant. Packed up all the left over crosstich stuff and boxes. Meghan and I did some jewellery.

August 31, 2012
Meghan and I went to a new Bead store called M.D.G. Beads Inc. 6035 Prince of Wales Dr. North Gower. She had very good prices. Then we went to McBead for more goodies. Meghan had a sore throat so we left just before lunch. Tried to go to Ikea but traffic was crazy so we headed towards Westport. Stopped for a lovely lunch in Richmond and stopped at a few Garage Sales got a blue shelving unit. Ended up in Perth and booked into the Motel. Went to Giant Tiger and walked around downtown. John walked across the street from the Motel and got us Big Mac's for supper. Watched the opening Ceremonies of the Paralimpic games.

September 1, 2012
Checked out and went across to MacDonald's for breakfast. Stopped at more Garage Sales and I got a beautiful wash basin and jug set made in Dresden England. Blue and white of course! Got to Westport and did the rounds. Got some books at the Library. Not many bargains to be had. After lunch we headed for home. Arrived around 4 and unpacked and went to Mass at 5.

August 19 to August 25

August 19, 2012
Up early on a lovely day. Sun and cloud but not cold or hot. Had back bacon on a bun and saw Christopher and family squeeze everything into the van for an early start. Went to Joan's to take some pictures and to see Sean expertly back the camper out to the road. Said our goodbyes and went back to the house where I got pictures from Dorothy, Joan and Jonathans and my camera which I put in individual files under Brian's Weekend and put it on sticks for them.  Got pictures of my Godsons Matthew and Jonathan) with me and said our goodbyes and headed home with a stop on 507 at a garage sale. Went to Burger Hut for a late lunch and then emptied the camper. Went to 6:00 pm Mass at St Anne's in Peterborough and stopped at the Dairy Queen for a late supper. Played a bit with the pictures and off to bed.

August 20, 2012
Nice day not too hot. Got caught up on downloads and emails. John did a couple of loads of wash. Watched some TV in the evening.

August 21, 2012
Quiet day at work. Another perfect day weather wise. Went to Cosco after coffee and work. Had hot dogs for supper then off the Cobourg for the concert with DQ afterwards.

August 22, 2012
Starting to get warm again! Quiet day at work. Reading a good book.

August 23, 2012
Finished the book. Warm day. Did some laundry. Went for coffee but Burger Hut closed (Found out later no hydro or water due to School construction). Watched 7 episodes of The Royal. Made Spanish Rice for supper.

August 24, 2012
Did more laundry. Hot day. Lunch at BH. Afternoon swim at Deen's.

August 25, 2012
Another hot one. Went to Jack & Nancy's for a swim (Pool was 82°C) Tom & Joyce joining us and we ordered Chinese for supper.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 12 to August 18

August 12, 2012
More rain overnight and on and off all day. Packed up and went to Church at 10:30 in Kingston at a Church near the camp ground. Left for home with a stop at the outlet store. Bought 2 white winter tops and a yellow short sleeve and a white long sleeve cotton blouse for $35.00 tax included. Another stop at A Taste of Country for frozen food and a blue bird for me. Went for coffee at The Burger Hut and it was raining there but stopped at the stop lights and did not rain at our house! Watched the Olympic Closing Ceremonies. I enjoyed them.

August 13, 2012
Went to work which is unusual. Beautiful hot day. Coffee after work and then a swim at the Deen's pool. Made some lists for packing.

August 14, 2012
Cooler day with lots of cloud. After work went for coffee and then to Cobourg with rain. Had a lovely supper at Gayle's with Diana and Michael. Rain stopped and we went to the concert. Lots of great music including a melody of tunes from Joseph and the Multicoloured Dreamcoat.

August 15, 2012
Did lots of packing and we were ready to hit the road by 10:30. We met Joan and hit the road for Bancroft. Sun and cloud but no rain. Cooler. Our campsites were not together but we had sewers so that was good. I made my potato and pasta salads. Joan cooked supper and we had an early night.

August 16, 2012
A beautiful sunny day with a bit of wind. Slept in till 10 am. Joan cooked a great breakfast. Joan and I went for a swim in Marble Lake and John played life guard. Salads and cold meat at our camp site for lunch and back for a second dip in the lake.  Pierre and Evelyn came for supper and we had a wonderful visit. Sat outside with candle light till 10 pm.

August 17, 2012
Sun and cloud and very windy. Packed up and went to Foodland in Bancroft and then a quick stop in Cardiff for ice and we were at Brian and Dorothy's for lunch. Joan camped at her own property and we were up by the cabin. No one was home when we arrived. After lunch I made my coleslaw and Christopher and all his family arrived around 4. Matthew and family and Jonathan and family and Brian and Dorothy came shortly after. Supper was leftovers enjoyed by the C W and family and Aunt Joan. We had a bonfire and AJ and Patrick entertained us with campfire songs.

August 18, 2012
A lovely sunny day with some clouds and wind. Sean and family minus Charlie arrived at 2 am and camped at Joan's property. Philip and CW cooked bacon and eggs for everyone with lots of helpers at Joan's place. CW then ferried us in a couple of trips to the lake for a swim. Matthew and Beth with Aiden and River joined us and Jonathan and Holly with Jaslyn, Jace and Hudson, came too. It was very refreshing and not everyone hit the water. I was the first one in. Joan, Sean, Stephen, Christopher, Lori, Philip, Taylor, Alexandre, Patrick, Jonathan, Jaslyn, Jace, Matthew and Aiden were the brave ones. River and Hudson paddled at the edge and played in the sand. On his second trip back to the house CW found a guitar on the side of the road. We all sat around the fire pit and Cathy and her sister Sue (didn't stay for supper), Phil and Jackie with their daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, Dick and Diane and Joseph joined us. Brian barbequed hamburgers, Joan and I contributed salads and others looked after condiments and dessert. Supper was great and a cake was brought out for Matthew and Beth's and Jonathan and Holly's Anniversaries which are both in August. We had another bonfire and a few fireworks were set off before dark for the little ones. After dark Matthew did a great fireworks display for us all.

August 5 to August 11

August 5, 2012
Went to Burger Hut and had one of Paul's great mushroom omelettes. Sat outside and worked on my Kumihimo bead braid and watched the rain. Went for pie & ice-cream (my treat) in the afternoon. Finished my bead braid outside. Leftovers for supper and watched some DVR till it was time for Glade & Longmire.

August 6, 2012
Sunny and cooler today. Started by putting clothes away and somehow ended up repairing my jewellery and watching the Olympics. Did 3 loads of wash and with John's help hung them out. Nancy called and we went for a swim after supper.

August 7, 2012
Nice Day not too hot. Went for coffee after work then picked up Gayle and had supper at Wendy's. Good concert with Diana as MC.

August 8, 2012
Happy Birthday Joan! Called and left her a message. Cloudy afternoon. Chicken stir fry for supper. Watched DVR.

August 9, 2012
Cloudy with showers on and off all day. Packed food and clothes into the camper and sorted a few things. Went for coffee and stopped at Deen's for a few minutes. Checked out the Auction lots of stuff we don't need. Sausages and uneatable frozen salad for supper. John has a Lion's director meeting.

August 10, 2012
Off to Kingston we go! Cloudy and we had some rain on the way there. Got to the Campsite around 3 pm and met with John and Sharon. There was an antique car rally going on which was to last for a week. Lots of neat cars going by. Had a quick supper and went to the Ceremony of the Flags. Meghan did a wonderful job as MC. It started to rain half way through and we all got soaked. Met Sean's old friend Richard L. who now has children in cadets and who we haven't seen for about 25 years. He now lives in Cobourg. Went to the Mess afterwards and I met Nick.

August 11, 2012
Rain over night but woke up to a beautiful day. Watched the antique cars go up and down our road. Went swimming at the Adult Swim with John and Sharon and went to their camp fire after supper. Meghan, Nick and Paul were there and TJ and friend joined us latter.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

July 29 to August 4

July 29, 2012
Sunny and warm. John went early to help Tom and the Lion's serve lunch to 250 people at the Fire Training School. My neck/head pain is back. Went for a swim this afternoon with Tom & Joyce. John & Tom went for hamburgers and chips and we had several dips in the pool.

July 30, 2012
Sunny and warm. Did a couple loads of wash. Watched a little of the Olympics and we went back to the pool around 3 pm. Dougie joined us and later Laurie. We ordered Pizza and salad and again had several dips in the pool.

July 31, 2012
Went to work and Burger Hut is open again. Went for coffee after work. It started to rain but we went on to Cobourg to do some shopping. Got some great gifts at Winners and Canadian Tire. The Royals were doing the concert so we sat in the middle with Gayle, Diana, Helen, Eva and Muriel. Went DQ as usual.

August 1, 2012
Where did July go? Joan stopped in at work to give me my Birthday gift. Started off dull but the sun came out. and it is hot again. High humidity too. Went for a swim at Jack & Nancy's. Made Sangria for tomorrow.

August 2, 2012
Cloudy but no rain at least the sun isn't beating down on us. Did some tidying and shopping. Burger Hut for coffee. Made Pistachio Pineapple Dessert for Nancy's Birthday Party tonight. Joyce, Nancy and Laurie came. John went to Jack's for a swim.

August 3, 2012
Didn't sleep well last night lots on my mind. Up early (7am). John went shopping and I did a crockpot for supper. Went for lunch at Burger Hut. Hot hot hot hot. Did one load of necessity laundry. Watched some DVR gotta get caught up before the fall season starts!

August 4, 2012
Today is my friend Nancy's Birthday. Got up early and went to the Bethel Flea Market. It was amazing stall after stall of great stuff. Found a few treasures and some books. Stopped on the way home for coffee. It is a very very hot day with health warnings again. John hung my candle chandelier in the east porch and I did a couple of loads of washing. Church at 5:00 pm. Canada won a gold, silver and bronze medals. Went for a quick swim all by ourselves. Watched some DVR.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 22 to July 28

July 22, 2012
Back to the heat. Went to Burger Hut for breakfast. Made a macaroni salad and we went to the Deen's pool for the afternoon and evening. Tom & Joyce also there. We had a BBQ and came home around 9 pm. Great day.

July 23, 2012
My 66th birthday. Got up early and went to Mass. Invited everyone for coffee at BH. Shirley, Carole and Theresa (secretary in Hastings) came. Nicole brought out a blueberry muffin with a candle on it and they sang Happy Birthday. Lots of hugs. The keys I had ordered came in the mail. Finished a book where all the action took place on Monday July 23! What a coincidence. Macaroni salad for lunch. Take out Chinese for supper. Had a thunderstorm at 6:00pm and it rained for about 45 min. Cleared up so we went to Jack & Nancy's and the girls had a swim. Laurie & Doug were there too. Laurie had a cold so didn't swim. I got some lovely gifts. The twins called and so did Christopher & Sean. I had 3 e-cards and 4 e-mails as well as Birthday wishes on Facebook. A very good day.

July 24, 2012
We had the ducts cleaned at work what an awful noise! Nice day not too humid and sun. Fr. brought me a muffin and put a candle in it and he and the duct men sang happy Birthday! Burger Hut is closed as Paul's Father-in-law died and they have gone to the East Coast for the funeral. I will miss it. The Deens (both families) are going to Cobourg with us for supper and the concert.

July 25, 2012
Still not too humid and a threat of rain. Having that pain in my neck that runs up over my left eye again. Getting ready to go to Kingston tomorrow.

July 26, 2012
Got packed and left for Kingston around 1 pm. after eating leftovers. Drove in heavy rain and made a short stop in Bellville at Dollarama. Checked into the Hotel and our room had been upgraded from "Economy Queen" to regular room with two double beds on the third floor. I had another headache (neck ache)We went for a swim in the pool and met Meghan, Paul and their friend Peter at KBC. (Kingston Brewing Company). We had showers on and off all afternoon. Supper was delicious and afterwards we walked around the Radisson Hotel to look at all the yachts. On our way to but ice cream we ran into Carole and the twins and then Scott and Laurent and Fran and we had a good chat on the street corner. We had Gelato and Meghan treated us. We went back to the Hotel and were going to go for another swim but found a Piorot we hadn't seen and watched that for nearly two hours.
July 27, 2012
Up early and met Christopher and Anne at McDonalds for breakfast. We went to RMC and got good seats right in front of Philip's group. Cloudy but no rain. Afterwards we went to the Mess for cold drinks and chit chat while we waited for Philip to say his good byes. After saying goodbye to everyone we went to the DF discount store and I got a top and matching zip jacket in bright pink. After lunch at Wendy's we headed home to watch the opening ceremony's for the Olympics. They were awesome. Sunny afternoon.

July 28, 2012
Another warm sunny day. Got some laundry done and watched a bit of the Olympics. Went to Mass at 5. Early to bed as I had my head/neck pain back again.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 15 to July 21 except for Tuesday pretty dull!

July 15, 2012
Another hot one. Went to Mass at 10:30 and had breakfast at Burger Hut. Read a book.

July 16, 2012
Hot. Met Brian & Dorothy for Lunch at Burger Hut. Read a book.

July 17, 2012
Our 27th Wedding Anniversary. Hottest day yet. High of 37°C and humidex at 47°C. Thank goodness my office has air-conditioning. Fr. took us for ice cream. Went to a nice tiny Greek Restaurant in Cobourg for supper and then the concert. Lots of sheet lightning but no rain. Watches everywhere. Sharon & John had a tornado warning but they are OK.

July 18, 2012
Not so humid this morning. Still went up to 31°C. Paul made Fr and I a delicious Spanish omelette for lunch. Tuna helper for supper.

July 19, 2012
Dull but still no rain. Lori here today. Coffee in the afternoon. leftovers for supper.

July 20, 2012
An absolutely perfect day. Not too hot no humidity. Lunch at BH. Sat outside on the back porch on my crib couch. Eat outside too. split a ceasar wrap and a pulled pork.

July 21, 2012
Starting to get humid again. Cloudy but no rain. Read a book. Went to Mass at 5:00 and spaghetti for supper.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 8 to july 14

July 8, 2012
Philip called this morning to say he was leaving for camp and to tell us about his graduation at 10:00am. July 27th. I t is still very warm but a few clouds make it more bearable. I made a crock pot stew. John is still working on sorting out his office. We went to BH for coffee in the afternoon (and ice cream for me). Carole called and we will go to Peterborough tomorrow. I hope my scratchy uncomfortable throat is better. 

July 9, 2012
Carole picked me up at 9:45 and we went to Peterborough. My cold is hovering. Vinney's first and I bought John four summer shirts for $15.00! One of them is a Columbia. Then Dollarama where I bought two storage boxes and a bunch of shower curtain hooks to make a rain chain. We had lunch at 50's where Aunt Joan does dishes some weekends. It was very good. I actually went in with Carole to Nofrills and got a cauliflower and toilet paper! On the way home we stopped at Burger Hut for coffee and had a soft ice cream. Carole dropped me off and John and I went back for more coffee! Beautiful day not too humid. Christopher called to reserve his bed for him and Lori for the weekend.

July 10, 2012
My cold is much worse but went to work. After work went to BH for early supper. No appetite so I had a salad. Came home and had a nap. Hung clothes up after work and brought them in before we went to Cobourg for the band Concert. It was a very good concert. After we went to dairy Queen and I had a banana split. Beautiful day.

July 11, 2012
Managed to get all the jobs needed done at work for the 15th. Went for a nap after work. Cold dragging me down. Weather very nice but warmer. Invited for a swim but not up to it. had Bigga Joe's pizza for supper. Didn't turn any computer on at home.

July 12, 2012
Balanced my purse and the bank account. Lunch at BH. Hot again. Getting caught up on computer. Had slushies this afternoon. Light supper left over pizza. John went to a Lion's directors meeting. I made 5 necklaces. Hot.

July 13, 2012
Hot again and neither of us slept well. Had lunch at Burger Hut and read in the afternoon under the fan. Made a macaroni salad. Baseball starts at 8am tomorrow. Sean & Tammy with Stephen and Christopher & Lori came tonight. We had a lovely evening chatting and visiting.

July 14, 2012
ANOTHER hot sunny day. We were at the ball diamond at 8:00 am. for the 4th Annual Memorial Ball Tournament. John was at the BBQ till 3:00pm. I kept score for 8 games from 8-5. A long hot day. The kids all went home after we cleaned up and John & I went to the pool with Tom & Joyce. Early to bed. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jul1 to July 7

July 1, 2012
Happy Canada Day! Still very hot and humid. Had a headache all day and all I did was read.

July 2, 2012
Another hot one. Dorothy's birthday.  Went to lunch at the Burger Hut. Downloaded all Gillian's grad pictures. Went for a swim after supper at J & N's.

July 3, 2012
Thank goodness I have air conditioning at work! Had a couple of rain storms in the afternoon.  Had a quick coffee before going to Cobourg. John did some electrical work for Gayle and then we went for supper at Chicken Chalet. Tonight was the first concert in the park. The evening started off a bit drizzly but the rain stopped and it was a lovely evening to sit and listen to the Band. Full moon.

July 4, 2012
Happy birthday Sharon! I left work at 1:30 as I had my 3 month appointment at the Dr.'s in Peterborough. Afterwards we went to 3 thrift stores! Value Village is getting very pricey. Vinney's and Salvation Army were better. Wondered around Michael's but didn't buy anything. See my other purchases here. Had supper at Chemong Plaza at Starlight's. Stopped at Joan's just as Joseph arrived home so we had a good visit. Hottest day yet and more to come. Went for a swim at J & N's.

July 5, 2012
Trying to get caught up on the computer and laundry before I melt. Went for coffee. Did my Blogs. Spaghetti for supper Nancy called and said come for a swim so we did.  T & J there too. Finished reading Trunk Music by Michael Connelly.

July 6, 2012
Hottest day yet! Did couple of loads of laundry. Went for lunch (supper) at BH. Sorting books to update my wish list. Read Evanly Bodies by Rhys Bowen. Leftovers for supper and went to J & N for a swim T & J there and Marryanne. Bugs send us home.

July 7, 2012
Rain during the night and early morning but it didn't help with the heat. Read another book! Stone Cold by Robert B. Parker. Sorted a few books and gathered some things for necklaces as well as made a photo file. Went to Mass at 5 and had spaghetti for supper.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

June 24 to June 30

June 24, 2012
Went to the Cemetery Mass at St. Paul's Cemetery. Dull and a pleasant 22° C. Had breakfast at Burger Hut. Rain most of the afternoon. Went for coffee and shared cherry pie and ice cream. Did some work in the craft room. I made beef and broccoli for supper over rice. Finished I Alex Cross by James Patterson.

June 25, 2012
Charlie's 19th Birthday! Another nice day. Not too hot. Got some laundry done. Did some Canada day decorating. Had an early supper at BH as I am singing at the grade eight graduation.

June 26, 2012
Fr. Placid visited us at work and Fr. Reynolds took us out for lunch at the Burger Hut. Sean called and invited us to Gillian's graduation on Friday morning. We will take Nellie and go Thursday evening. John & I went for coffee after work (He picked up the payroll). Another perfect day. I made a necklace for Charlie for his birthday. Had leftovers for supper. Watched Craft Wars just to say I did.

June 27, 2012
Fr. had John and I for a barbecue lunch today. We celebrated the start of summer. A beautiful day but warmer. My parcel came from Meghan. I am trying to figure out a necklace for Gillian. John soldered the rings on Charlie's necklace. BLT for supper. Sean called and invited us to supper tomorrow night. Christopher called and we discussed some money options. Worked on Gillian's necklace.

June 28, 2012
Packed for Ottawa in the morning and met Harry & Carole for lunch at Burger Hut. Ran into my brother Joseph who was just leaving with his boss. He is working for a lawn care co. and they were doing the Deen's lawns. Ran into a bit of construction and the Van kept loosing oil so we arrived at Sean 7 Tammy's about 6:20. Tammy had some nice cheese appitizers for us and Sean barbequed salmon and chicken for supper. We had a lovely evening chatting. Warm sunny day.

June 29, 2012
Gillian graduation was at 10:00 am. Charlie made it home for the graduation. It was a class of 125 students. We got lots of good pictures. They had fans going in the gym so it wasn't too bad. It was nice to see Tammy's parents. We went back to the house after and Sean sent John to his "car guy" who discovered a faulty gasket and oil filter. He changed the oil and it fixed the problem. We then went to John & Sharon's and ordered Chinese for Sharon's birthday supper. I was early to bed.

June 30, 2012
We had home made scones for breakfast and left for home around 10:00. Stopped at a couple of garage sales and flea markets, see my cute new birds click here. Had a great lunch at a chip truck in downtown Perth and got home at 4:00. I had a quick nap and we made it to 5:00 Mass. Very hot and sunny. Had scrambled eggs on toast for supper.