Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 9 to September 15

September 9, 2012
We were the last to join everyone in the kitchen for breakfast at 9:30! There was peameal coffee and juice with buns and vegetables. After more chatting Brian led us on a walk on the yellow trail and pointed out many interesting things. It was a good chance to chat with different people. Joan organized us to take family pictures and lots were taken of different family groups and some of everyone. We missed Mario and Theresa. Goodbyes took a long time as lots of chatting was going on. Brian provided a nice lunch for Joan and us and then after loading a shelving unit for Joan's house we headed for home. Got home around 4 and I had a nap and some left over salad before we headed to St. Anne's for 7 pm Mass. We stopped at Joan's to deliver the shelf and also the table from our back porch. ya. Came home and watched TV.

September 10, 2012
Beautiful fall day not hot. Cool in the morning. Had coffee in the afternoon. Got two loads of laundry done. Watched some DVR.

September 11, 2012
Very cool in the morning. Beautiful sunny day. Very quiet day at work. Only two phone calls. Line one not working full of static so put it on hold so calls would come in on line two. Mix up of priests on the weekend so have to redo the travel vouchers. Coffee after work. Planned the menu for the weekend.

September 12, 2012
Meghan and Diana's birthday. Another beautiful day. Starting to get warm again. Very quiet day at work. Went over food menu and packed my clothes for the weekend.

September 13, 2012
Quite warm and sunny but rain forecast for the weekend :( Finished packing Nellie and John doing some last minute shopping. Had brunch at Burger Hut. Stopped at Sharbot Lake for some fries and at Timmies in Perth for a drink. Another stop at LW in Smiths Falls for tea for Meghan. Drove through some very pretty country near Martintown and Williamstown. Arrived at the camp and set up. Went for a walk and had campers stew for supper. Early to bed.

September 14, 2012
Another warm day and a lazy one. Went for an afternoon swim. John only got wet to his waist. Water cool. Christopher and the boys arrived at supper time and Alexandre and I went for a swim just as it was getting dark. BBQ sausages for supper. Fridge not working so we bought ice and put some things in Christopher's fridge.  Lori and Taylor arrived and it started to rain. Sharon and John came in the rain and dark but it did lighten up a bit.
September 15, 2012
TJ, Paul and Meghan arrived and the weather is a lot cooler but sunny. TJ brought his sailboat The Y-Knot and took the kids and Lori and Paul for a sail at different times. They had Bingo in the park in the afternoon and Christopher and family joined in. Kyrstin too. Lori took the girls to hockey practice and after some trial and error the boys got the propane going under the big pot of oil and we cooked a turkey. It was very juicy and delicious. Sharon did vegetables and I did a potato salad. CW did fried and mashed potatoes and Sharon had squares for dessert. We had a fire and sang Happy Birthday to Meghan and gave her gifts.. It was getting quite cool and after Lori and the girls returned they got into pie irons and "pigtails". A very nice family day.

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