Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 13 March 25 to March 31

March 25, 2012
Church in Havelock
Breakfast White House Hendrina Helen Bernard?
Trip to Peterborough
JYSK-tea boxes, dish cloths, curtain rods
value Village-wine rack
Dairy Queen for mini blizzards
sunny 17

March 26, 2012
another trip to Peterborough
Peterborough Square- Geri's Arts & Crafts-plant hangers
Home Ology-birds
Harvey's for lunch
JYSK-pillow forms, tea towels,
XS Cargo toaster oven
Dave & Mary re cupboard doors
did display in Dad's box
Meghan called re jewellery repairs
sun & cloud cold and windy 4

March 27, 2012
had a nap
loaded Any Time & Quicken
Meghan called sold all material!
cool high 6 sun & cloud

March 28, 2012
Work as usual. Helped the hamburger for supper. Went to choir practice. Made last set of curtains for the kitchen. cool sun & cloud. Usual dull Wednesday

March 29, 2012
Steve the builder and friend were here and they put the kick plate on the counter so they are finished and have been paid in full. I made fork tie backs for the kitchen curtains and John screwed them on for me at the computer desk side. He also hung the curtains on the stove side of the room. I am cooking pork riblets in the crock pot.

March 30, 2012
Pay day and a good one as it covers 5 weeks. I am working on cleaning up and arranging the Library. We went to Hastings for Fish & Chips for supper as John had to visit clients there. Dusting of snow.

March 31, 2012
Still working on the Library. Found a few more treasures in the basement. Went to Mass in Norwood at 5. had the usual for supper. sun & cloud

1 comment:

Sue - aka Olive Reedfilter (fairy name) said...

Glad you liked today's freebies.

Don't want to say to much about my mother .... continue to have one complication after another. 4 units of blood transfusion yesterday. Today stomach continues to be blown up to make her look 9 mos pregnant. They have her completely knocked out with pain meds. Unable to talk with her. Stepfather is keeping me abreast ... with what nurse tells him. He hasn't seen her doctor since day of surgeries ... had to take her back in for second surgery due to excessive bleeding. Can't get any information myself because of HIPPA laws ... only told she is stable condition. I'm so stressed ... constant headaches, my blood sugars are sky high and I don't know how to relax anymore. Still wondering if I made the right decision not going. At this point I need 18th of April to get here (when I have planned trip to see her). Plus, if I could just hear her voice ... I think I would destress somewhat. Hope you don't mind my telling you what's going on. Hugs, Sues