Monday, May 14, 2012

May 6 to may 12

May 6, 2012
John W cooked us a wonderful brunch and Meghan picked me up so we could start our Bead Bop. First stop Rideau Art & Bead in Kemptville where we found a few treasures. Then to Canadian Tire and Dollarama and the Bulk Barn where we got some wonderful teas. We hit the road to go to Stittsville and the Dragon's Lair. The lady from Renfrew who has closed her shop had her things there too. We had a lot to look at and did not leave empty handed! We met John at Meghan's town house and he had a nap while we played with our beads and things. I did 2 Kumihimo braids. We barbequed small sausage stuffed  peppers and Momma burgers which we had with a salad for supper. TJ came home and went to bed. We watched a movie and worked on our projects. Warm an sunny

May 7, 2012
Meghan's friend Robin joined us for the Bead Bop and we went to Canada Bead and Canada Glass and finished our Bop at McBead where Meghan works. Spent a lot of time matching cord and beads to make sets and now have lots of work to do. John went his own way and met us at the Pho House for lunch. Then on to Ikea at last! It is a huge store and we spent a lot of time looking and bought lots of kitchen gadgets, knife rack, garbage cans, jars etc. Also saw my cousin Eileen who works in the linen dept. We left Meghan at her house and hit the road for home. Stopped in Perth at Wendy's for supper. warm and sunny

May 8, 2012
Went to work as usual and had coffee after with Fr. Rain on and off washed some clothes but they didn't dry so left them on the line. Lots of computer stuff to catch up on. Going to organize a box of bead work to do watching TV. Had spaghetti for supper.

May 9, 2012
Busy work day with Confirmation letters and info to enter. Called Joan and got caught up on the news. Started to rain as we left work. The van is in getting new tires so we went home in Nellie.
French Toast for supper.

May 10, 2012
Spent a long time getting jewellery organized so I can work on things in the evening and take for travelling. Phoned Joan again. Went for an afternoon coffee. A sun/cloud day cool and windy. baked chicken & potato for supper.

May 11, 2012
Went for lunch as usual and then we went shopping in Peterborough, got a gift for Taylor and a few other things then off to Rama. Met Carole and Harry and Josie and Joe and had supper a bit of gambling (lost 90 cents). John won $30.00. Then went to the show. Tran Siberian Orchestra Beethoven's Last Night. Even better than the first time. Got home just after 1:00 am.

May 12, 2012
Up at 7:00 am to hit the road by 8. Went to CW's and then to Annual Inspection. Kyrstin, Sharon, John, TJ (briefly), & Paul were there. Also Carole and her parents. The boys made me very proud to see them in their uniforms. They all did very well. Afterwards we went back to Christopher & Lori's for a BBQ and to celebrate Taylor's 13th birthday. We had a lot of fun skipping double dutch outside. I turned the ropes! Early to bed.


Sue - aka Olive Reedfilter (fairy name) said...

Sounds like you had fun at the garage sales. I always love finding that special bargain myself. Funny too, this morning I babysat again ... the three little ones Tristan(4), Elijah (18mos) and Ian (3mos) while Mom and Dad went garage sale shopping. They found plenty of summer clothes for the boys and some new toys for Elijah. As for me, I just enjoyed the boys. Do you know, I just never get tired of those grandkiddos of mine. The baby was so funny ... I made him so mad because from 12:15 until 1:00 I forced him to stay awake. By 1:00 he was Mr Wobble Head!!! Mom and Dad walked in and now everyone gets to take a nap ... hee, hee. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Sue

Sue - aka Olive Reedfilter (fairy name) said...

Oh ... almost forgot .... handsome boys!!! Loved the photograph. Hugs again, Sue